In spring of 2008, after AMPS introduced Capacity of Texas to Emisstar, a company that writes grants, a successful grant for $722 K was written for Capacity of Texas to build a plug hybrid terminal tractor. AMPS was included in the grant and they started the build at the end of 2008. By April of 2009 the alpha prototype was developed and Capacity of Texas began demonstrating. By the end of 2009, the prototype went into full production.
AMPS was able to provide Capacity of Texas a gen-set (power and control system) for their PHETT (Pluggable Hybrid Electric Terminal Tractor), the industry’s first hybrid terminal tractor. The power and control system turned a diesel powered shunt tractor that used 5.5 -6.7 liters of diesel per operation hour to one that uses 2.03 liters, a savings of 3.5 – 4.75 liters/hour. In addition, it reduced noise pollution, maintenance costs and there was a 77% reduction in hydrocarbons and NOx emission and 85% reduction in particulate matter.
“For us to be successful, we had to have a partner like AMPS.”
“The last thing you expect in a yard jockey is sophistication. But here it is, and it delivers.”
“We saved about forty litres of fuel by using the Hybrid during our night shift. Great pickup in both drive and reverse, excellent turning radius and no loss of power when steering hard in either direction. Hardly notice if the trailer is loaded or empty. The longer wheel base was hardly noticeable as well. Very quiet inside and out. Lots of room inside with large dash.”
“…powerful yet quiet, smooth operation and was pleased to report zero exhaust fumes and greatly reduced in cab vibration during use.”